The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
-- Benjamin Disraeli, statesman
Monday, December 24, 2007
Looking for discounts on hotels?Try Cheaperthanhotels UK !
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11:03 AM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
10 Killer Ways to Promote Your New MLM Program
Terrible isn't it?
You just joined this wonderful new MLM and you're rearing to go! Then you think... go where and how?? Here are 10 ways to promote your MLM that'll get you started on the way to your first recruits
1. Free classifieds - Though not as great as they once were, if your MLM program is free to join you will get some takers. The trick is to keep posting often and keep your ad up there.
2. Ezine Ads - These are cost effective and very targeted so you don't waste your advertising dollars. Use classified ads if you have a small budget and don't place any ads in ezines you haven't read.
3. Your Optin List - Even if you have a small optin list, this is a great source for your first MLM affiliates. If you don't have one start one right away.
4. PPCs - The Pay Per Click Search Engines is a good way to get leads but prepare to spend alittle. It's very important to switch up your ads because many people use the same ones.
5. Exit Pop - You can use an exit pop up to promote your MLM, just place it on any pages getting traffic right now.
6. Articles - Writing an article makes good search engine food plus, you can submit it to ezines for even more free exposure.
7. Free Ebook - Sometimes all it takes is one good free ebook to increase your traffic like crazy. You can include your MLM sign up link and let it fly.
8. Forum Sig/E-mail sig - Make up a small 5 line ad and put it at the bottom of your posts and mails. You'd be surprised at how this one thing adds up.
9. Join Traffic Exchanges - Free traffic exchanges like traffic swarm let you place your ad free into their network so you can get alot of visitors daily targeted by catagory.
10. Trade Ads with an MLM Ezine Publisher - If you own an ezine you can ad swap with him, just make sure the subscribe page has an ad for your new program.
Use these steps to start you off on your new venture and teach them to your recruits. You'll soon have a florishing downline you can be proud of.
© 2004 by John Stafford
John Stafford is the owner of: Research Your Home Business - Cutting edge ideas, resources and strategies for your home based business online
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11:14 AM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
5 Steps Of Networking At An Event
Most of us go to networking events to make new contacts and to maintain our existing relationships. Both are equally important. Some people only want to expand their network and tend to neglect their existing contacts. Others don’t know how to approach new people, feel uncomfortable doing so or feel ‘guilty’ when they leave the groups they already belong for a long time to.Here are 5 steps of attending a network event that can help both groups make the most of it:
Step 1: Preparation
Most people don’t prepare for an event. But they do complain afterwards, saying that they wasted their time or didn’t meet the right people. So before attending an event, ask yourself following questions: what is my goal at the event? Who do I want to meet? And is this event the best place to meet these people? Is there enough time for networking? And who are the organisers?
Step 2: Making contact
This is what most people find the most difficult part: making contact with other people, especially if this is a whole new situation or event. Here are some tips:• Ask a question about something you have both in common. There are always at least 3 things: location, theme/speaker and organisation.• Have yourself introduced to new people by someone you already know. If you’re new, ask the organisation to introduce you. They are there for you!• The most important thing is to start talking to each other. Just start. Nobody is there to judge you and almost everyone welcomes new contacts. But many people feel uncomfortable approaching someone else. If you take the first step yourself they will be grateful !
Step 3: Having a conversation
After you have established contact, how can you go for a real conversation?• Ask open questions (starting with how, what, when, where, who). This will give you more information to ask other questions and to get to know the other person.• Ask what is specific or typical about the other person or the organisation that he/she represents. This helps you to remember the other person better.• Focus on the other person: let him/her talk more than you do yourself.
Step 4: Ending the conversation
At an event you and the person you are talking to are both there to meet new people and maintain existing relationships. So it’s OK to end the conversation after approximately 15 minutes. You don’t have to stick together the whole event. But how do you do that?• Thank the other person for the conversation• See if you can help each other further. If this is the case, exchange business cards.• Introduce the other person to other people in the room and/or ask to be introduced to someone else.
Step 5: Follow up
Whatever your goal at the event was, the results are in the follow up. However, this is the part that most people forget to do. Some things to keep in mind:• The follow up doesn’t start a few days after you have met, but DURING the conversation. Look for commonalities, interests and ways to help the other person. This gives you input to follow up and to start building your relationship.• Schedule time in your agenda to do follow up actions.• Don’t hard sell on people afterwards nor pass their business cards to a call center to do this. Build a personal relationship instead! Good luck at your next event !
Jan Vermeiren is the Networking Coach and author of the network book “Let’s Connect!”. Via presentations, workshops and coaching Jan makes sure that people get more out of their network. Companies get advice how to integrate networking in a sales/recruitment strategy. Jan and his team are hired by large companies like EDS, Ernst & Young, IBM and SAP as well as by small companies. Get your free e-course, light CD and book at and
Free Articles from
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10:56 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007
Save Money on Inkjet Cartridges
The World Wide Web is the marketplace of the present and future. A cyber space shopper has to take care when choosing an online ink cartridge supplier. Before you even think of buying do some research and ask others you know to make recommendations. In case you are going to buy a branded ink cartridge most manufacturers have websites online.Inkjet Cartridges and Ink Jet Printer Supplies such as Inkjet Refills are available onlineOne of the online ink cartridge suppliers I recommend is carrot ink.The high-quality ink cartridges are available at 30-70% less than what printer manufacturers charge.A printer has become a necessity for me and getting hp ink cartridges at a reasonable rate is a big money-saver. I personally use HP 56 black which can be purchased at a whopping 34 % discount!They have a considerable range of inkjet cartridges, for all your business or home needs.
Reliable online ink cartridge merchants have nothing to hide and carrot ink is one of them.Customers have always been totally satisfied with the service they provide. The purchases arrive quickly, the customer service people are always outstanding, helpful, and resolve any issues immediatelySo, what are you waiting for? Buy ink cartridges online and save money.
Posted by
12:07 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Network Marketing - Its All About Customers
Leadership, Visualization, Goal-setting, blah, blah...
All network marketers have heard that jargon at one time or another. But you know what? It's just that - Jargon.
When you share with your team, the lessons you have learnt while building your business - that's Leadership.
When you imagine that new car or house on the beach, that you're going to buy next year with the income from your business - now that's Visualization.
And when you plan exactly how you're going to go about getting that new car or house - well, that's Goal-setting.
It's that simple...
And yet people complicate it so much that they write entire books, and have entire courses to teach you these "skills."
But they're missing the whole point, really. Because network marketing is really about customers.
Think about it.
Why do companies get into network marketing? DUH. To sell products, of course!
And why do they choose to sell their products through network marketing?
Because network marketing is really the most efficient way of selling products.
After all it's all about people selling (or recommending) products they USE to their own network of friends and acquaintances. To people who TRUST them.
So if you want to serve your customers better through your network marketing business, here are a few things to ask yourself.
1. Are you in the service business or recruitment business?
If you are in the business of helping people - whether to become healthier, or financially independent - you should consider yourself as providing a service. And a service runs on customers.
Sure, there are plenty of people out there who want to start a home business or join a business opportunity.
But if you focus on the opportunity, you'll be competing with a whole lot of other, more established networking companies, for a new prospect's time and money.
Instead, if you focus on your products (and I'm assuming they are unique, excellent products that meet a real need), you'll have very little competition.
Besides, it's so much easier to sell a product than to sell a dream.
2. Is your product right for them?
I've seen people recommending their products to customers as a "miracle" solution to all their problems. This is not only misleading, but is bound to backfire.
Ask yourself - are there other options for my customers? Are there cheaper, perhaps more effective options, that can help them?
Perhaps they can't afford your product right now. Or perhaps there are other, albeit less effective options, that might meet their immediate needs better.
Almost everyone needs to get healthier, or richer. But how they choose to achieve their goals should be their choice, not yours.
Certainly, give your customers all the information they need about your products. It's not your duty to suggest alternatives.
But sometimes the best way you can serve them is by letting them know that they are free to explore their options and get back to you when they've decided that your product meets their needs best.
You'll not only have a grateful customer, but also build trust and goodwill. Your customer will think of you as someone to depend on, and come back to you when they need advice.
Yes, you might lose a customer, but you'll have gained a friend.
3. Do they really need the business opportunity?
Once you get a new customer, do you instantly start shoving the business opportunity down their throat? If so, you're doing them a disservice.
Yes, do show your customer how they can reduce (or even completely recover) their costs by becoming a distributor and recommending the products to their friends.
Offer them what they want - a cheaper way to purchase your products.
But also accept that some of them may just want to keep buying products without ever building a business.
And appreciate them for contributing to your paycheck.
Ultimately all business is about building trust. So the next time you process an order or answer a query, focus on building a relationship, rather than a business.
If you're a friend to your customer and do what's right for them, you can be secure in the knowledge that what goes around will definitely come around.
Copyright © 2003 Priya Shah
Posted by
11:39 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing: The Good The Bad And The Ugly
Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing: The Good The Bad And The Ugly
The Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing are many.
A few Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing are:
* It's on the internet so it's low cost
* Very fast
* And you can reach a global audience
However it:
* Can leave the businessman feeling isolated
* Hard to tell if people are lying because you can't see their face
* And you can be overloaded with information.
There are more Advantages Disadvantages Of Internet Marketing, but I wont cover them all in one article. However I will focus on a few important ones.
Low cost:
The internet is made up of electrons, so there is not really anything physically to grab hold of like in a brick and mortar business. This considerably reduces your costs as you don't really need many materials or buildings. Just a computer with world wide web capabilities : )
Very fast:
A great advertisement I saw once said "If you were an electron, you would be there by now". This was an ad at an airport. It's referring to the internet. It's made up of electrons so it's VERY fast. Click a link, and you could be looking at an Australian website, click another one and you could be in America. If you wanted to get information any other way from these countries, you may end up having to go there.The world wide web eliminates the need for this. Go any where you want with the click of a button.
You can reach a global audience:
By this I mean, you don't have to set up shop somewhere and sell to the locals. You can set up an online shop, and sell to anyone in the world. This means a huge increase in potential revenues and a fraction of the cost it would take for you to set up shops all over the world.
Can leave the businessman feeling isolated:
This is very common. Because the world wide web is faceless (In most cases), it can appear cold and inhuman. This can leave you feeling isolated and very inward. Not a nice feeling at all. Everyone likes to socialize and meet people, but in this case, its quite difficult to, in business anyway.
Hard to tell if people are lying:
There is so much information on the world wide web now, it's sometimes hard to tell the difference between crap and quality. A lot of the crap is targeted at newbies. Here's an example "Make money fast by doing NOTHING", sound familiar? I bet you've had a ton of emails saying something similar.
Information Overload:
Once again we get to the part of there being a lot of information on the world wide web. There can be too much good information too. There can be a lot of competition for an industry, this can leave you more confused than if there were presented with loads of crap. You might not be able to tell who to chose. If you are a veteran of the net, you wont have much to worry about, however if you're a newbie then this is a problem.
The above are the positive and the negatives. Overall, I would definitely say that if you can do business online, then definitely do it.
By Stephen Warren, the creator of
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2:10 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Honestly Good!
Recently, I have been doing a lot of research on AFFILIATE MARKETING.
While doing a Google search,I came across this very reasonably priced E-book.
I decided to purchase it and give it a try.
To be honest,I think it is really worth it.This E-book is written by Holly Beth Mann ,
a 25-year-old Entrepreneur, single-mom (of a 2 1/2 year old boy)
and a person who loves life and helping others.
She began working online a few years ago when she was pregnant
and in a tight financial situation.
Honest Riches 2 is certainly for beginners, complete newbies. And thank goodness I was right. I bought Honest Riches 2 and found the information inside to be of EXCELLENT quality.
I strongly recommend you click here to take a look at her website for yourself.
Posted by
12:30 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Home Meeting
You can invite a group of people to your home to show the plan. Once a home meeting is booked,we should show the plan irrespective of the number of people present.
- Get help from your sponsor or upline in inviting people.
- Invite twice as many people as you want to come to the meeting.This is because some of the people who say they will come will not turn up.Don't be dissapointed.
- Be excited.
- Ensure you have enough literature available for the people to read.
- Dress should be business casuals.
- Remember,this is a business meeting.There should no alcohol,pets,televion or children disrupting the meeting.
- Put fewer chairs than necessary,but have extra chairs available.
- Greet people at the door.Edify the speaker.
- Introduce the speaker enthusiastically.Set an example by being the most interested person in the room.
- Keep as little refreshments as possible and serve them after the meeting.
Allow the spaker to do the talking and answer any questions. - DON'T FORGET TO SET UP FOLLOW UP MEETINGS WITH THE PROSPECTS WHO COME TO THE MEETING.
Posted by
12:18 PM
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The purpose of showing the plan is to show the prospects how they can fulfil
their dreams by utilising the sales and marketing plan.The magic is to keep it simple, brief and to the point.
1.The overview
2.The one-on-one meeting
3.Home Meeting
4.Open Meeting
First,we'll talk about the overview and the one-on-one meeting
1.The Overview.Here the main focus is to create curiosity,so that the prospect wants to set another meeting to see the plan.We mainly talk about what can be achieved through the business.
2.One-on-One:Meet the person or couple individually to show the plan.
One should take the help of the sponsor or 'upline' in the beginning.
The following points should be taken care of:
- The plan can be shown at the prospects' home or your home
- Always dress nicely,preferably smart casuals.
- Be on time.
- Edify your sponsor if he/she is showing the plan.Let him/her do the talking.
The golden rule is,"KEEP IT SIMPLE". - If time permits,show them a vcd as suggested by your sponsor.
- Don't forget to leave some material for a follow up and schedule the next appointment as soon as possible.
- Don't answer all their questions in one meeting.Tell them they fill find their answers in the material provided.
- Encourage them to start the business right away.Inform them about whatever money back guarantee there is on the business.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Labels: home, one on one, openprospect, plan, showing, upline
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Internet marketers earn commissions !
ClickBank makes it easy to become a successful affiliate. Opening an account and gaining access to their marketplace will provide opportunities you can't afford to miss. Just follow these simple steps and start earning right away:
Sign up as a ClickBank affiliate.
Search the ClickBank marketplace for products to promote.
Earn commission on every sale, plus extended commissions on recurring billing products. (New!)
Posted by
2:15 PM
Your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."
-- Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. president